Covid-19 Update
We typically offer same-day dispatch (monday - friday when you order by 12pm GMT, or 1pm for UK next day delivery). Any changes to this will be displayed in a banner at the top of every page, if we need to extend our dispatch time or if we are closed due to public holidays.
The vast majority of orders are now being processed by Royal Mail in time (3-5 working days for UK, 5-10 working days for International), however this is not guaranteed and there is the occasional delay beyond these timings, up to several weeks in some instances, so if you require your order by a certain date and/or you would like a fully tracked service we are still recommending tracked/express delivery. We have now introduced a UK tracked courier option.
For latest updates please visit
As our team are still working on rotation, there may be a delay in a reply to any emails but we will respond as soon as we can.
Thank you for your custom x